Malakah Jahan and Muhammad ‘Ali Shah
Malakah Jahan Khanum (Sharik al-Saltanah), daughter of Surur al-Dawlah and Kamran Mirza Nayib al-Saltanah, and her husband Muhammad ‘Ali Shah, son of Muzaffar al-Din Shah.
Five letters from Muhammad Shah to Taj al-Dawlah, 1838
Letters from Muhammad Shah to his mother, Taj al-Dawlah, include expressions of his love and his longing to see her, his satisfaction of Sayf al-Dawlah’s work, and describes using new ammunitions that have improved the army's performance
Correspondence, including a letter from ʻAbbas Mirza to Khanlar Mirza's mother
A collection of decrees, correspondence and documents includes writings from ʻAbbas Mirza, Qaʼim Maqam, Muhammad Shah, Farhad Mirza, Nasir al-Din Shah and Muzaffar al-Din Shah. One document is a letter from ʻAbbas Mirza to Khanlar Mirza's mother.
Regarding Parivash Khanum's salary, 1910
Documents include letter of salary confirmation for Parivash Khanum (daughter of ‘Imad al-Saltanah, granddaughter of ‘Izz al-Dawlah and Ihtiram al-Dawlah, and from Muhammad Shah Qajar's family); her power of attorney to ‘Imad al-Saltanah to represent and receive her salary; and her identity verification and salary form
Tarikh-i ‘Azudi
Written by Sultan Ahmad Mirza ‘Azud al-Dawlah, the son of Tavus Khanum Taj al-Dawlah and Fath‘ali Shah. ‘Azud al-Dawlah, who was ten years old when his father died, wrote this book in 1886 at the request of his nephew, Nasir al-Din Shah, with Muhammad Hasan Khan I‘timad al-Saltanah as an intermediary. In this book, he recounts the stories of the wives and children of Fath‘ali Shah. The current manuscript was hand-copied by Muhammad Hasan Ibn Husayn‘ali al-Fariqi al-Kamarah-’i, in 1901 or 1902, and includes 251 pages.
Letter from Mahd-i ‘Ulya to Nasir al-Din Shah, 1863 or 1864
When the late Muhammad Shah's sisters visited Nasir al-Din Shah, Sahib Khanum asked Mahd-i ‘Ulya, in the presence of Anis al-Dawlah, to convey her plea to Nasir al-Din Shah. She claimed that her share of Punak property, now seized by Asif al-Dawlah and his sons, was her wedding gift from Zill al-Sultan. She was deprived of the property interest that she relied on for her family expenses. The houses in the property were destroyed and she was not given any compensation, which even Mirza Taqi Khan had stated was her right. Also, she only received two hundred tumans from the five hundred tumans...
Booklet of Writing on Babi Religion
This booklet is about the lives of Bab and his followers, as well as his writings.
Genealogy of family of Mirza Sa‘id Khan Mu’taman al-Mulk
Genealogy of family of Mirza Sa‘id Khan Mu’taman al-Mulk, Minister of foreign affairs. Based on the content of the genealogy, it would have to have been written after 1880.
Genealogy of family of Mirza Sa‘id Khan Mu’taman al-Mulk
Genealogy of family of Mirza Sa‘id Khan Mu’taman al-Mulk, Minister of foreign affairs. Based on the content of the geneaology, it would have to have been written after 1880.
Will of ‘Abbas Mirza Nayib al-Saltanah
Will of ‘Abbas Mirza Nayib al-Saltanah, son of Asiyah Khanum and Fath‘ali Shah, regarding the location of his burial, and dividing of his properties and jewels. He also wishes for the freedom of the captives of Khurasan from the hands of the Turkmans and the Uzbaks.
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- Tehran University Central Library(1)
- National Library and Archives of the Islamic Republic of Iran -- Mahd-i ‘Ulya Documents(1)
- National Library and Archives of the Islamic Republic of Iran(1)
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- Majlis Library, Museum and Document Center(1)
- Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies(1)
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