Letter, 1903
The letter is about Qaysar Khan, an Afghan with British citizenship, who the writer claims has financial conflicts with some locals, such as Muhammad Husayn. ʻAli Karbalayi ʻAbbas has agreed to give his daughter to Qaysar Khan in marriage. He gave eighty tumans and some clothes to ʻAli Karbalayi ʻAbbas and his daughter, and has lived with [Ustad ʻAli's] daughter in his house for a month. The writer pleads with the receipient of the letter, claiming that action must be taken to punish Ustad ʻAli, who had gone to his house [in order to make the marriage legal], and he had told him that the...
Marriage contract of Shahrbanu and Ibrahim, 1900
Marriage contract of Shahrbanu, daughter of Karbalayi Yar Murad from Kahriz, and Ibrahim, son of Muhammad from Bahmanabad. The mahr is forty tumans, of which half was paid and the rest remains the groom's debt. The mahr additionally includes one-twelfth of the garden of the groom's father, a set of bedding made in Burujird worth three tumans, and a copper ewer and basin made in Kashan worth one tuman and five thousand dinars. On February, 13, 1903, Shahrbanu transferred the ownership of the mentioned properties to her father, and her father settled them with Sayf al-Dawlah for five tumans.
Nusrat Sharifi to ʻAliyah Mashayikhi
Nusrat Sharifi's letter from Mashhad to ʻAliyah Mashayikhi, along with its envelope. It reads: "Dear sister, I hope you are doing well. We received your letter. We are all good and the only thing that is missing is you, especially when we go to the other yard and see you are not there. Bibi Khanum, Khanum Buzurg, and Khanum Jan send their greetings, as do the wives of Mr. Shah and Mr. Amir Husayn Khan. Turan Khanum, Aqdas Agha, and ʻIsmat al-Muluk say they miss you a lot. We don't know if you also think of us. Aqa Nasr Allah sends you kisses and whenever he goes to the other yard he says,...
From Zahir al-Sultan in Sistan to Prince Ibtihaj Sultan in Tehran. Envelope dated 2 November 1914. It concerns the problems raised by a certain Sartip [brigader] who has asked for the hand of a twelve-year old girl. He is already married with children; the girl is against the match and especially does not want to move to Birjand away from her family. The writer offers some alternative resolutions, emphasizing that a forced marriage may result in tribal disputes, and in any case, an unhappy woman does not make a good wife.
Taj al-Muluk Davallu Qajar Tajbakhsh Zamandar's Interview- part 2
Taj al-Muluk Tajbakhsh Zamandar's interview conducted by Manoutchehr Eskandari-Qajar on 18 October 2009. She shares her memories of family members, acquaintances, and the daily life and rituals of people, especially women, in the Qajar era.
Taj al-Muluk Davallu Qajar Tajbakhsh Zamandar's Interview- part 1
Taj al-Muluk Tajbakhsh Zamandar's interview conducted by Manoutchehr Eskandari-Qajar on 14 August 2009. She shares her memories of family members, acquaintances, and the daily life and rituals of people, especially women, in the Qajar era.
Letters from Zinat Malik and Muhtaram al-Saltanah
These letters are about their travel to India and their meeting with Malakah Jahan, wife of Muhammad ʻAli Shah, and Fakhr al-Taj, daughter of Muʻayyir al-Mamalik in Mumbai. On one of the pages Bahman Bayani gives some explanations about the people in the letters.
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- tirmah(2)
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- andaruni(2)
- World War I (1914-1918)(2)
- Constitutional Revolution(2)
- weather(1)
- travelogues(1)
- mahr(1)
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- entertainers(1)
- divorce(1)
- copper(1)
- bedding(1)
- Ahmad Shah Qajar(3)
- ʻAbbas Mirza Qajar Iftikhar Nizam(2)
- Zinat al-Saltanah(2)
- Victoria (daughter of Madam Susan and Amir Ismʻail Mirza)(2)
- Taj al-Muluk Tajbakhsh Zamandar(2)
- Taj al-Muluk Ayramlu(2)
- Sultan Husayn Mirza Nayyir al-Dawlah(2)
- Shirin Malik Mansuri(2)
- Sarv Jahan Khanum (wife of Hashim Khan Davallu Qajar)(2)
- Sabih al-Dawlah (wife of Malik Mansur)(2)
- Riza Shah Pahlavi(2)
- Riza Quli Khan Davallu Qajar Tajbakhsh(2)
- Nuzhat al-Saltanah (wife of Muzaffar al-Din Shah)(2)
- Nayyir al-Saltanah (wife of Malik Mansur Mirza)(2)
- Muzaffar al-Din Shah Qajar(2)
- Munavvar Khanum (Shahzadah Agha)(2)
- Muhammad Hasan Mirza, Crown Prince(2)
- Maymanat al-Muluk (daughter of Afsar al-Muluk and Riza Quli Khan Davllu Qajar)(2)
- Manuchihr Iskandari Qajar(2)
- Malik Iraj Mirza (son of Farah al-Saltanah and Malik Mansur)(2)
- more
- Ahmad Shah Qajar(3)
- ʻAbbas Mirza Qajar Iftikhar Nizam(2)
- Zinat al-Saltanah(2)
- Victoria (daughter of Madam Susan and Amir Ismʻail Mirza)(2)
- Taj al-Muluk Tajbakhsh Zamandar(2)
- Taj al-Muluk Ayramlu(2)
- Sultan Husayn Mirza Nayyir al-Dawlah(2)
- Shirin Malik Mansuri(2)
- Sarv Jahan Khanum (wife of Hashim Khan Davallu Qajar)(2)
- Sabih al-Dawlah (wife of Malik Mansur)(2)
- Riza Shah Pahlavi(2)
- Riza Quli Khan Davallu Qajar Tajbakhsh(2)
- Nuzhat al-Saltanah (wife of Muzaffar al-Din Shah)(2)
- Nayyir al-Saltanah (wife of Malik Mansur Mirza)(2)
- Muzaffar al-Din Shah Qajar(2)
- Munavvar Khanum (Shahzadah Agha)(2)
- Muhammad Hasan Mirza, Crown Prince(2)
- Maymanat al-Muluk (daughter of Afsar al-Muluk and Riza Quli Khan Davllu Qajar)(2)
- Manuchihr Iskandari Qajar(2)
- Malik Iraj Mirza (son of Farah al-Saltanah and Malik Mansur)(2)
- Mahin Banu (daughter of Sabih al-Dawlah and Malik Mansur Mirza)(2)
- Madam Susan(2)
- Khadijah Sultan Khanum (Hazrat Qudsiyah)(2)
- Kaykavus Mirza (son of Nayyir al-Saltanah and Malik Mansur Mirza)(2)
- Jamshid Davallu(2)
- Irandukht Qajar (daughter of Ahmad Shah Qajar)(2)
- Ihtiram al-Dawlah (wife of Malik Mansur Mirza)(2)
- Ibrahim Khan (son of Afsar al-Muluk and Riza Quli Khan Davallu Qajar)(2)
- Huma Khanum (Khanum Iftikhar)(2)
- Hidayat Allah Zamandar(2)
- Hashim Khan Davallu Qajar(2)
- Hashim Khan (son of Afsar al-Muluk and Riza Quli Khan Davallu Qajar)(2)
- Giti Afruz Khanum(2)
- Fatimah Khanum ʻIzzat al-Dawlah (daughter of Muzaffar al-Din Shah)(2)
- Fath Allah Mirza Malik Mansur(2)
- Farah al-Saltanah (Hamdam al-Muluk)(2)
- Azarmidukht(2)
- Asif al-Saltanah(2)
- Aqdas al-Dawlah (daughter of Muzaffar al-Din Shah)(2)
- Amir Ismaʻil Mirza(2)
- Akbar Mirza Rukni(2)
- Akbar Mirza (son of Nayyir al-Saltanah and Malik Mansur Mirza)(2)
- Abu al-Hasan Mirza (son of Farah al-Saltanah and Malik Mansur Mirza)(2)
- ‘Abbas Mirza Nayib al-Saltanah(1)
- ʻAliyah Mashayikhi(1)
- ʻAli (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Zinat Malik (daughter of Muhtaram al-Saltanah)(1)
- Sultan ʻAbd al-Majid Mirza (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Shams al-Muluk (Zubaydah) Jahanbani(1)
- Shahzadah Galin (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Shafiʻ Khan (son of Gawhar Malik Muhtaram al-Saltanah and Mahmud Mustawfi al-Mamalik)(1)
- Rizvan Dukht (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Qamar al-Saltanah(1)
- Nur Allah Mirza Jahanbani(1)
- Muluk Khanum (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Mulla ʻAli Kani (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Muhammad ʻAli Shah(1)
- Muhammad Mustawfi (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Muhammad Hasan Mirza Muʻtazad al-Saltanah(1)
- Mirza Shafiʻ (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Mirza Husayn Khudadust (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Manizhah Khanum (wife of Abu al-Hasan Mirza)(1)
- Malik Mansur Mirza Shu‘a‘ al-Saltanah(1)
- Malakah Jahan Khanum (Sharik al-Saltanah)(1)
- Liqaʼ Khanum (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Liqa Jahanbani(1)
- Gawhar Malik Muhtaram al-Saltanah(1)
- Fatimah Khanum Fakhr al-Taj(1)
- Faridun Mirza (son of Ahmad Shah Qajar)(1)
- Bibi Shams al-Muluk (mother of Aqa khan)(1)
- Badr al-Sama’ Jahanbani(1)
- Azar (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Asiyah Khanum (daughter of Malakah Jahan and Muhammad ‘Ali Shah)(1)
- Aqdas (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Aqa Khan (son of Bibi Shams al-Muluk)(1)
- Amir Hisam al-Dawlah (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Amir Dust Muhammad Khan (Mu‘ayyir al-Mamalik)(1)
- Ahmad Mirza Mu‘in al-Dawlah(1)
- Afsar al-Muluk (daughter of Huma Khanum and ‘Abbas Mirza Iftikhar Nizam)(1)
- Abu al-Fazl Mirza (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Abu al-Fath Mirza Salar al-Dawlah(1)
- DBirjand