Poem by Tayirah Khanum for the Baha’i Temple, 1910
Note on the back: "dedicated to the Baha’i Temple Unity Convention, Chicago April 24, 1910"
Group Portrait
Tayirah Khanum, Khanum Shazdah (Tayirah's daughter), and Susan Moody among a group of Baha’i women of Tehran. Susan Moody has written their names on the back.
Letter from Qudsiyah Ashraf to Albert Windust, 1913
The letter mentions the renewal of her subscription to the Star of the West, that she thinks of the addressee often although she does not write to him much, that she is busy at school, and sends love to the addressee's family; along with the envelope
Writing, 1910
Includes 1- a letter by Louise Waite (Shahnaz), dated December 10, 1910, describing the process by which Tayirah Khanum’s poem was translated into English for a template song, and mentioning a letter by Tayirah Khanum which accompanies the letter; 2- the text of "The Temple Song of the East," composed by Tayirah Khanum; 3- a letter from ‘Abd al-Baha’ ‘Abbas which was translated into English by Mirza Ahmad Suhrab in May 1910 and sent through him to Louise Waite, which talks about forwarding the poetry to Tayirah Khanum in Tehran to be chanted among the believers; 4- a letter from Tayirah...
Miscellaneous writings, 1891-1985
Miscellaneous writings, including: a page with a list of books and some notes with "93" on the verso; a list of books by the Bab and Subh-i Azal; a list of photographic glass plates and the numbers of Babis and Baha’is killed between 1849-1973; a list of endowed books and prayers for different occasions; a holiday greeting; a fragment of a testimonial about Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi and her companions' travels to Cyprus and a receipt of a collection of items belonging to Subh-i Azal from 'Aliyah Khanum; a childbirth greeting and miscellaneous writings of Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi on the verso;...
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- ‘Ismat Khanum (Tayirah)(2)
- ‘Aliyah Subh-i Azal (Rouhi Collection)(1)
- Yahya Dawlatabadi(1)
- Turan Khanum (Khanum Shazdah)(1)
- Tahirah Qurrat al-ʻAyn(1)
- Shaykh Ahmad Ruhi (Kirmani)(1)
- Shaykh Ahmad Ahsa’i(1)
- Sayyid Kazim Rashti(1)
- Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi(1)
- Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar(1)
- Nasir Dawlatabadi(1)
- Mulla Husayn Bushru’iyah(1)
- Muhammad Ziyaʼ Allah(1)
- Muhammad Sadiq Ibrahimi(1)
- Mirza Yahya Subh-i Azal(1)
- Mirza Taqi Khan Farahani (Amir Kabir)(1)
- Mirza Sulayman Khan (Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi Collection)(1)
- Mirza Hasan Khan (Khabir al-Mulk)(1)
- Mirza Aqa Khan Kirmani(1)
- Husayn‘ali Nuri (Baha’ Allah)(1)
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- ‘Ismat Khanum (Tayirah)(2)
- ‘Aliyah Subh-i Azal (Rouhi Collection)(1)
- Yahya Dawlatabadi(1)
- Turan Khanum (Khanum Shazdah)(1)
- Tahirah Qurrat al-ʻAyn(1)
- Shaykh Ahmad Ruhi (Kirmani)(1)
- Shaykh Ahmad Ahsa’i(1)
- Sayyid Kazim Rashti(1)
- Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi(1)
- Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar(1)
- Nasir Dawlatabadi(1)
- Mulla Husayn Bushru’iyah(1)
- Muhammad Ziyaʼ Allah(1)
- Muhammad Sadiq Ibrahimi(1)
- Mirza Yahya Subh-i Azal(1)
- Mirza Taqi Khan Farahani (Amir Kabir)(1)
- Mirza Sulayman Khan (Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi Collection)(1)
- Mirza Hasan Khan (Khabir al-Mulk)(1)
- Mirza Aqa Khan Kirmani(1)
- Husayn‘ali Nuri (Baha’ Allah)(1)
- Hisam al-Din Dawlatabadi(1)
- Haj Mirza Hadi Dawlatabadi(1)
- Bahr al-‘Ulum(1)
- Bab, ʻAli Muhammad Shirazi(1)
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