Genealogy of family of Mirza Sa‘id Khan Mu’taman al-Mulk
Genealogy of family of Mirza Sa‘id Khan Mu’taman al-Mulk, Minister of foreign affairs. Based on the content of the geneaology, it would have to have been written after 1880.
Regarding Fatimah Khanum and Muhammad Baqir's dispute, 1920
Letter from the government of Azarbayjan to the government of Garmrud regarding the denial of a claim made by Fatimah Khanum from Tabriz (wife of Haj Iskandar) against her step-son, Muhammad Baqir, son of the late Haj Iskandar
Kawkab Khanum's question regarding her paternal inheritance, 1931
Kawkab, sister of Mirza Baqir from the same mother and father, asks Hujjat al-Islam Haji Mirza Muhammad Mujtahid about dividing her father's inheritance a few years ago amongst Mirza Baqir, Aqa Mahdi, and Qamar Khanum, and which one of her brothers has her share. Mirza Muhammad responded that Aqa Mahdi and Qamar Nisa’, who are from the same mother, share their inheritance and Kawkab Khanum shares her part with Mirza Baqir.
Genealogy of family of Mirza Sa‘id Khan Mu’taman al-Mulk
Genealogy of family of Mirza Sa‘id Khan Mu’taman al-Mulk, Minister of foreign affairs. Based on the content of the genealogy, it would have to have been written after 1880.
Letter to ‘Amid Lashkar, 1924
Envelope addressed to ‘Amid Lashkar the secretary of the army brigade in Urumiyah, dated November 17, 1924; the letter shares some news and requests in an itemized format, including the whitewashing of all rooms' walls; payment of debts; an attempt to obtain payments from Ghaffar al-Sultan, son of Hasanlu; failing to receive money from Mr. Sawlat; that the brigadier has sent a pair of geese and a six-month old lamb; obtaining the remaining seven thousand [dinars?] from the mirror makers and giving it to Sarkar ‘Illiyah; not receiving wheat and flour from the villages of Zaviyah and Varaqah...
Regarding Aqa Bala and Mirza Baqir's dispute, 1920
Letter of Mukhbir al-Dawlah from the government of Sarab and Garmrud on Aqa Bala Khan's complaint against Mirza Baqir, son of Haj Iskandar from Miyanah, regarding the inheritance of underage children as well as the mahr and share of inheritance of Fatimah Khanum (Iskandar's wife) and the subsequent denial of his claim
- D Reset
- ‘Abbas Mirza Nayib al-Saltanah(2)
- Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar(2)
- Muhammad Shah Qajar(2)
- Muhammad Husayn ibn Masʻud Ansari(2)
- Mirza Taqi Khan Farahani (Amir Kabir)(2)
- Mirza Saʻid Khan Muʼtaman al-Mulk(2)
- Mirza Mustafa Khan Muʻtamad al-Dawlah(2)
- Mirza Mas‘ud Ansari(2)
- Mirza Mahdi Khan(2)
- Fathʻali Shah Qajar(2)
- Fath ʻAli Khan Amin Shaqaqi(2)
- ʻAndalib Vaʻiz(1)
- Ziyaʼ al-Saltanah [I] (Shah Baygum)(1)
- DGarmrud