Polyandry in India, 1910
An article published in the German local newspaper, Anzeiger, talks about the custom of polyandry in certain tribes in India
Hrach and Rose Amirkhanian during travel to India
Pictured from left to right, the second and fourth figures are Rose Amirkhanian and Hirach Amirkhaniyan, Ninish's sisters at Davidian school yard in India.
Regarding ‘Aliyah Khanum's salary, 1910
Documents include a letter of salary confirmation for ‘Aliyah Khanum, daughter of Khaqan Mirza from the family of Najaf Shah from India; and her identity verification and salary form
Regarding Khadijah Khanum and Safiyyah Baygum's salaries, 1910
Documents include identity verification and salary forms of daughters of Sayyidah ‘Alaviyah Khanum and Aqa Sayyid Kazim: Khadijah Khanum (Jahangir Khan's wife) and Safiyyah Baygum (Sayyid Riza's wife); and their letter of salary confirmation; Sayyidah ‘Alaviyah Khanum's inheritance has been divided among her daughters and her grandchildren (Sayyid Yusuf's children)
Letter from a woman to Iran-i naw, 1909
Regarding the necessity of women's education
Speech by the principal of Madrisah-i Umm al-Madaris, 1910
Made at the beginning of an exam session; praising women's education
Hadi Nikkhvah's interview
Hadi Nikkhvah's interview conducted by Afsaneh Najmabadi on 8 June 2013. He shares memories of his mother, Maʻsumah Khanum.
Letters from Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi to Jalal Azal
Copies of a collection of letters from Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi to Jalal Azal. In one letter, Qamar Taj writes about the works that she has kept.
Letters from Zinat Malik and Muhtaram al-Saltanah
These letters are about their travel to India and their meeting with Malakah Jahan, wife of Muhammad ʻAli Shah, and Fakhr al-Taj, daughter of Muʻayyir al-Mamalik in Mumbai. On one of the pages Bahman Bayani gives some explanations about the people in the letters.
Cyprus travelogue of Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi with a tablet collection inventory, 1950
This notebook describes Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi's travel to Cyprus in February/March 1950 to see Subh-i Azal's family. Qamar Taj was accompanied on this trip by her sister, Fakhr Taj Dawatabadi. There are three inventories at the end of the travelogue: a tablet inventory in the original handwriting; a tablet inventory in Sayyid Husayn Katib's handwriting; and books in the original handwriting and others in iron suitcase.
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- Arabs(1)
- Arabic language(1)
- Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi (2)
- National Library and Archives of the Islamic Republic of Iran(2)
- Tehran University Central Library(1)
- Keshvaralmolook Molkara(1)
- Iran-i naw -- Letters of women to Iran-i naw(1)
- Iran-i naw -- Women in other countries(1)
- Iran-i naw -- Speeches at girls' schools(1)
- Bahman Bayani(1)
- Avakiyan(1)
- ‘Aliyah Subh-i Azal (Rouhi Collection)(1)
- ‘Ali Muhammad Qasimi Hamidani(1)
- ‘Abd al-Samad Mirza ‘Izz al-Dawlah Salur(1)
- ‘Abbas Mirza Nayib al-Saltanah(1)
- ‘Abbas Mirza Mulk Ara(1)
- ʻAli (Bayani Collection)(1)
- ʻAbd al-Hamid Mirza Nasir al-Dawlah(1)
- Zubaydah Khanum Amin Aqdas(1)
- Zinat al-Saltanah (wife of Nasir al-Din Shah)(1)
- Zinat Malik (daughter of Muhtaram al-Saltanah)(1)
- Yahya Dawlatabadi(1)
- Taj al-Saltanah(1)
- Tahirah Qurrat al-ʻAyn(1)
- Sultan ʻAbd al-Majid Mirza (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Subhi(1)
- Shaykh Ahmad Ruhi (Kirmani)(1)
- Shawkat al-Dawlah(1)
- Shams al-Muluk (Zubaydah) Jahanbani(1)
- Shams al-Dawlah (daughter of Galin Khanum and Ahmad Mirza ʻAzud al-Dawlah)(1)
- Shahzadah Galin (Bayani Collection)(1)
- more
- ‘Aliyah Subh-i Azal (Rouhi Collection)(1)
- ‘Ali Muhammad Qasimi Hamidani(1)
- ‘Abd al-Samad Mirza ‘Izz al-Dawlah Salur(1)
- ‘Abbas Mirza Nayib al-Saltanah(1)
- ‘Abbas Mirza Mulk Ara(1)
- ʻAli (Bayani Collection)(1)
- ʻAbd al-Hamid Mirza Nasir al-Dawlah(1)
- Zubaydah Khanum Amin Aqdas(1)
- Zinat al-Saltanah (wife of Nasir al-Din Shah)(1)
- Zinat Malik (daughter of Muhtaram al-Saltanah)(1)
- Yahya Dawlatabadi(1)
- Taj al-Saltanah(1)
- Tahirah Qurrat al-ʻAyn(1)
- Sultan ʻAbd al-Majid Mirza (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Subhi(1)
- Shaykh Ahmad Ruhi (Kirmani)(1)
- Shawkat al-Dawlah(1)
- Shams al-Muluk (Zubaydah) Jahanbani(1)
- Shams al-Dawlah (daughter of Galin Khanum and Ahmad Mirza ʻAzud al-Dawlah)(1)
- Shahzadah Galin (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Shafiʻ Khan (son of Gawhar Malik Muhtaram al-Saltanah and Mahmud Mustawfi al-Mamalik)(1)
- Sayyid Muhammad Hasan Husayni Shirazi(1)
- Rose Amirkhanian(1)
- Rizvan Dukht (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Qamar al-Saltanah(1)
- Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi(1)
- Nur Allah Mirza Jahanbani(1)
- Ninish Amirkhanian (Stepanian)(1)
- Nasir Dawlatabadi(1)
- Munavvar al-Saltanah(1)
- Muluk Khanum (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Mulla ʻAli Kani (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Muhammad ʻAli Shah(1)
- Muhammad Sadiq Ibrahimi(1)
- Muhammad Mustawfi (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Muhammad Hasan Mirza Muʻtazad al-Saltanah(1)
- Mirza Yahya Subh-i Azal(1)
- Mirza Shafiʻ (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Mirza Sayyid ʻAli (Nasir Lashgar)(1)
- Mirza Khudadad Basit(1)
- Mirza Husayn Khudadust (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Mihrtaj (Badr al-Duja) Rakhshan(1)
- Maʻsumah Khanum (the mother of Hadi Nikkhvah)(1)
- Malakah Jahan Khanum (Sharik al-Saltanah)(1)
- Mahdukht San‘ati(1)
- Liqaʼ Khanum (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Liqa Jahanbani(1)
- Kiyumars Mirza (ʻAmid al-Dawlah)(1)
- Khujastah Khanum Jahanbani (Taj al-Dawlah)(1)
- Jalal Azal(1)
- Iran Khanum (Tehran University Central Library)(1)
- Ibrahim Khan Zahir al-Dawlah(1)
- Humayun Sanʻatizadah(1)
- Hrach Amirkhanian(1)
- Hisam al-Din Dawlatabadi(1)
- Hadi Nikkhvah(1)
- Ghulam ʻAli Khan ʻAziz al-Sultan (Malijak II)(1)
- Ghulam Husayn Khan (Tehran University Central Library)(1)
- Gawhar Malik Muhtaram al-Saltanah(1)
- Furugh al-Dawlah (Malakah Iran)(1)
- Fatimah Sultan Anis al-Dawlah(1)
- Fatimah Khanum Fakhr al-Taj(1)
- Fathʻali Shah Qajar(1)
- Faridun Mirza (son of Ahmad Shah Qajar)(1)
- Fakhr al-Dawlah(1)
- Fakhr Taj Dawlatabadi(1)
- Edward Granville Browne(1)
- Bibi Shams al-Muluk (mother of Aqa khan)(1)
- Badr al-Sama’ Jahanbani(1)
- Badr al-Saltanah(1)
- Badi‘ah Mir’ati(1)
- Azar (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Asiyah Khanum (ʻAziz al-Dawlah)(1)
- Asiyah Khanum (daughter of Malakah Jahan and Muhammad ‘Ali Shah)(1)
- Aqdas (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Aqa Khan (son of Bibi Shams al-Muluk)(1)
- Amir Hisam al-Dawlah (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Amir Dust Muhammad Khan (Mu‘ayyir al-Mamalik)(1)
- Akhtar al-Saltanah(1)
- Ahmad Shah Qajar(1)
- Ahmad Mirza Mu‘in al-Dawlah(1)
- Afsaneh Najmabadi(1)
- Abu al-Fazl Mirza (Bayani Collection)(1)
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