Petition from Zari, 1900
A telegram from Zari, the daughter of Haji Kasir Allah Khan Iravani and wife of Asad Allah Khan, a citizen of Russia, who complained to the Premier that since her arrival in Maku, her mahr, some money, and her dowry were confiscated by the heirs of Ishaq Pasha Khan and that ʻIzzat Allah Khan has attacked her house and intimidated her. She had complained to Nizam Al-Saltanah but that yielded no results. She has returned to Yerevan because her children were frightened.
Regarding Qamar Khanum's salary, 1910
Documents include letter of salary confirmation for Qamar Khanum, daughter of [illegible] (from Muhib‘ali and Lutf‘ali Khan's family); her power of attorney to Ibrahim Mirza to represent and receive her salary; and her identity verification and salary form
Protest letter
Booklet of Writing on Babi Religion
This booklet is about the lives of Bab and his followers, as well as his writings.
Miscellaneous writings, 1891-1985
Miscellaneous writings, including: a page with a list of books and some notes with "93" on the verso; a list of books by the Bab and Subh-i Azal; a list of photographic glass plates and the numbers of Babis and Baha’is killed between 1849-1973; a list of endowed books and prayers for different occasions; a holiday greeting; a fragment of a testimonial about Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi and her companions' travels to Cyprus and a receipt of a collection of items belonging to Subh-i Azal from 'Aliyah Khanum; a childbirth greeting and miscellaneous writings of Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi on the verso;...
- D Reset
- money(3)
- property and property management(2)
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- children(2)
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- Qur’an(2)
- Constitutional Revolution(2)
- Baha’is(2)
- Babis(2)
- weapons(1)
- visiting(1)
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- remuneration(1)
- receipts(1)
- rawzah(1)
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- money(3)
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- Qur’an(2)
- Constitutional Revolution(2)
- Baha’is(2)
- Babis(2)
- weapons(1)
- visiting(1)
- usurpation(1)
- remuneration(1)
- receipts(1)
- rawzah(1)
- quarreling(1)
- power of attorney(1)
- politics and government(1)
- poetry(1)
- pillage(1)
- pilgrimages and shrines(1)
- Photographs(1)
- mosques(1)
- miscarriages and abortion(1)
- mahr(1)
- letter writing(1)
- invitations(1)
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- calligraphy(1)
- biographies(1)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs(1)
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- Kurds(1)
- Azalis(1)
- Armenians(1)
- Sayyid Kazim Rashti(2)
- Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar(2)
- Mulla Husayn Bushru’iyah(2)
- Mirza Yahya Subh-i Azal(2)
- Husayn‘ali Nuri (Baha’ Allah)(2)
- Bab, ʻAli Muhammad Shirazi(2)
- ‘Aliyah Subh-i Azal (Rouhi Collection)(1)
- Yahya Dawlatabadi(1)
- Tahirah Qurrat al-ʻAyn(1)
- Shaykh Ahmad Ruhi (Kirmani)(1)
- Shaykh Ahmad Ahsa’i(1)
- Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi(1)
- Nasir Dawlatabadi(1)
- Mulla Muhammad ‘Ali Zanjani(1)
- Mulla Muhammad ‘Ali Barfurushi(1)
- Muhammad Ziyaʼ Allah(1)
- Muhammad Shah Qajar(1)
- Muhammad Sadiq Ibrahimi(1)
- Mirza ʻAbbas Nuri(1)
- Mirza Taqi Khan Farahani (Amir Kabir)(1)
- more
- Sayyid Kazim Rashti(2)
- Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar(2)
- Mulla Husayn Bushru’iyah(2)
- Mirza Yahya Subh-i Azal(2)
- Husayn‘ali Nuri (Baha’ Allah)(2)
- Bab, ʻAli Muhammad Shirazi(2)
- ‘Aliyah Subh-i Azal (Rouhi Collection)(1)
- Yahya Dawlatabadi(1)
- Tahirah Qurrat al-ʻAyn(1)
- Shaykh Ahmad Ruhi (Kirmani)(1)
- Shaykh Ahmad Ahsa’i(1)
- Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi(1)
- Nasir Dawlatabadi(1)
- Mulla Muhammad ‘Ali Zanjani(1)
- Mulla Muhammad ‘Ali Barfurushi(1)
- Muhammad Ziyaʼ Allah(1)
- Muhammad Shah Qajar(1)
- Muhammad Sadiq Ibrahimi(1)
- Mirza ʻAbbas Nuri(1)
- Mirza Taqi Khan Farahani (Amir Kabir)(1)
- Mirza Sulayman Khan (Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi Collection)(1)
- Mirza Hasan Khan (Khabir al-Mulk)(1)
- Mirza Aqa Khan Kirmani(1)
- Hisam al-Din Dawlatabadi(1)
- Haji Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani(1)
- Haji Mirza Jani Kashani(1)
- Haji Mirza Aqasi(1)
- Haj Mirza Hadi Dawlatabadi(1)
- Edward Granville Browne(1)
- Bahr al-‘Ulum(1)
- DMaku