Travel expenses
List of travel expenses to Karbalaʼ, Najaf, Mecca, and Medina
Hajj travelogue
The author's name is not known. The pilgrimage is in Muhammad Shah period. The travelogue includes information about women pilgrims, including Ziyaʼ al-Saltanah, daughter of Fath ‘Ali Shah. More information about this item could be found on page 465 of the third volume (first part) of Malik Library's catalog of manuscripts. Page 17 bears the seal of Muhammad Husayn.
Letter probably from ‘Ayn al-Saltanah
Letter probably from Qahraman Mirza Salur (‘Ayn al-Saltanah) with a list of daily expenses; writing from Alamut, Qazvin, he talks about his bad health and expresses his disappointment that the recipient had not told him about her/his journey to Mecca, while also asking her/him to sacrifice a sheep on his behalf. ‘Ayn al-Saltanah also talks about his intention to travel to Beirut to visit Hurmuz Mirza [his nephew]. He asks about the well-being of Fakhr al-Mulk [probably his brother-in-law, Fakhr al-Mulk Ardalan] and his wife and expresses his satisfaction that Zari is accompanying the letter...
Booklet of Writing on Babi Religion
This booklet is about the lives of Bab and his followers, as well as his writings.
‘Abd al-Karim's will, 1895
The will of ‘Abd al-Karim Sahib Dihdashti, the merchant from Shiraz and son of Muhammad Ibrahim Dihdashti the merchant. He has appointed the following four people as the executors of his will and as the guardians for his underage children: Aqa Muhammad ‘Ali (son of Haj Zayn al-‘Abidin Shirazi the merchant), his [‘Abd al-Karim's] wife (daughter of Mirza Muhammad Riza Dihdashti the merchant), Haj Sayyid Isma‘il Shabankarah the merchant (son of Sayyid ‘Ali Shabankarah and resident of Bushihr), and Haj Ghulam ‘Ali Bihbahani the merchant (son of Mashhadi Riza the merchant). ‘Abd al-Karim has...
Travel journal
ʻAlaviyah Khanum Kirmani's travel journal. ʻAlaviyah Khanum, ʻAli Khan and a few others went on Hajj and made pilgrimages to the shrines in Iraq. On the way back to Iran, she visited a number of cities including Tehran and the Nasiri Court. This travel journal was written by ʻAlaviyah Khanum Kirmani. On the first page of the book (this page was written by ʻAli Khan at the request of ʻAlaviyah Khanum), ʻAlaviyah Khanum noted that she wrote this book because she missed her husband and also to record these events in history. The author's actual name is not known and "ʻAlaviyah Khanum Kirmani"...
- D Reset
- Hajj(5)
- travel(4)
- death(4)
- prayer(3)
- pilgrimages and shrines(3)
- money(3)
- illness(3)
- fruit(3)
- travelogues(2)
- husband and wife(2)
- funerals and burials(2)
- food(2)
- fasts(2)
- bread and bakeries(2)
- ʻAshura(1)
- wills(1)
- weddings(1)
- villages(1)
- tombs and cemeteries(1)
- temporary marriage(1)
- more
- Hajj(5)
- travel(4)
- death(4)
- prayer(3)
- pilgrimages and shrines(3)
- money(3)
- illness(3)
- fruit(3)
- travelogues(2)
- husband and wife(2)
- funerals and burials(2)
- food(2)
- fasts(2)
- bread and bakeries(2)
- ʻAshura(1)
- wills(1)
- weddings(1)
- villages(1)
- tombs and cemeteries(1)
- temporary marriage(1)
- tea(1)
- taʻziyah(1)
- slaves(1)
- siblings(1)
- servants(1)
- quarreling(1)
- property and property management(1)
- pregnancy(1)
- Photographs(1)
- parties(1)
- mourning(1)
- mosques(1)
- miscarriages and abortion(1)
- marriage proposal(1)
- letter writing(1)
- lamps(1)
- household furnishings(1)
- hookahs(1)
- harems(1)
- fuel(1)
- feasts(1)
- etiquette(1)
- debts and loans(1)
- crime(1)
- children(1)
- caravansaries(1)
- books(1)
- bedding(1)
- bazaars(1)
- animals(1)
- andaruni(1)
- Religious tithes(1)
- Qur’an(1)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs(1)
- Jews(1)
- Constitutional Revolution(1)
- Baha’is(1)
- Babis(1)
- Azalis(1)
- Arabs(1)
- ‘Abd al-Samad Mirza ‘Izz al-Dawlah Salur(1)
- ‘Abbas Mirza Mulk Ara(1)
- ʻAbd al-Hamid Mirza Nasir al-Dawlah(1)
- Zubaydah Khanum Amin Aqdas(1)
- Ziyaʼ al-Saltanah [I] (Shah Baygum)(1)
- Zinat al-Saltanah (wife of Nasir al-Din Shah)(1)
- Taj al-Saltanah(1)
- Shawkat al-Dawlah(1)
- Shams al-Dawlah (daughter of Galin Khanum and Ahmad Mirza ʻAzud al-Dawlah)(1)
- Sayyid Muhammad Hasan Husayni Shirazi(1)
- Sayyid Kazim Rashti(1)
- Qahraman Mirza Salur (ʻAyn al-Saltanah)(1)
- Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar(1)
- Munavvar al-Saltanah(1)
- Mulla Muhammad ‘Ali Zanjani(1)
- Mulla Muhammad ‘Ali Barfurushi(1)
- Mulla Husayn Bushru’iyah(1)
- Muhammad Shah Qajar(1)
- Mirza ʻAbbas Nuri(1)
- Mirza Yahya Subh-i Azal(1)
- more
- ‘Abd al-Samad Mirza ‘Izz al-Dawlah Salur(1)
- ‘Abbas Mirza Mulk Ara(1)
- ʻAbd al-Hamid Mirza Nasir al-Dawlah(1)
- Zubaydah Khanum Amin Aqdas(1)
- Ziyaʼ al-Saltanah [I] (Shah Baygum)(1)
- Zinat al-Saltanah (wife of Nasir al-Din Shah)(1)
- Taj al-Saltanah(1)
- Shawkat al-Dawlah(1)
- Shams al-Dawlah (daughter of Galin Khanum and Ahmad Mirza ʻAzud al-Dawlah)(1)
- Sayyid Muhammad Hasan Husayni Shirazi(1)
- Sayyid Kazim Rashti(1)
- Qahraman Mirza Salur (ʻAyn al-Saltanah)(1)
- Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar(1)
- Munavvar al-Saltanah(1)
- Mulla Muhammad ‘Ali Zanjani(1)
- Mulla Muhammad ‘Ali Barfurushi(1)
- Mulla Husayn Bushru’iyah(1)
- Muhammad Shah Qajar(1)
- Mirza ʻAbbas Nuri(1)
- Mirza Yahya Subh-i Azal(1)
- Mirza Sayyid ʻAli (Nasir Lashgar)(1)
- Kiyumars Mirza (ʻAmid al-Dawlah)(1)
- Khujastah Khanum Jahanbani (Taj al-Dawlah)(1)
- Iran Khanum (Tehran University Central Library)(1)
- Ibrahim Khan Zahir al-Dawlah(1)
- Husayn‘ali Nuri (Baha’ Allah)(1)
- Haji Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani(1)
- Haji Mirza Jani Kashani(1)
- Haji Mirza Aqasi(1)
- Haj Fakhr al-Mulk Ardalan(1)
- Ghulam ʻAli Khan ʻAziz al-Sultan (Malijak II)(1)
- Ghulam Husayn Khan (Tehran University Central Library)(1)
- Furugh al-Dawlah (Malakah Iran)(1)
- Fatimah Sultan Anis al-Dawlah(1)
- Fathʻali Shah Qajar(1)
- Faridun Mirza Salur (Afkham al-Dawlah)(1)
- Fakhr al-Dawlah(1)
- Edward Granville Browne(1)
- Badr al-Saltanah(1)
- Bab, ʻAli Muhammad Shirazi(1)
- Asiyah Khanum (ʻAziz al-Dawlah)(1)
- Akhtar al-Saltanah(1)
- DMedina