Zahra Sultan ‘Izzat al-Saltanah to Muhammad ‘Ali Nizam Mafi (Salar Mu‘azzam)
Zahra Sultan Nizam Mafi (‘Izzat al-Saltanah) writes to her brother, Muhammad ‘Ali Nizam Mafi (Salar Mu‘azzam), giving him some family news and discusses spending ʻAid-i Qurban at Baha’ al-Mulk's garden. She talks about her photography and the problem of not having a proper dark room. Then, she tells him about her progress in learning French.
Muhammad ‘Ali Nizam Mafi (Salar Mu‘azzam) to Zahra Sultan ‘Izzat al-Saltanah
Muhammad ‘Ali Nizam Mafi (Salar Mu‘azzam) writes to his sister, Zahra Sultan ‘Izzat al-Saltanah and describes his walk in the country in Switzerland, how he loves rural life and wished he was interested in manual labor and agriculture, but he instead is studying finance and must therefore live an urban life. He then recalls the time they played music on a gramophone in Iran. Muhammad ‘Ali Khan advises his sister to always see things in a positive way, and thereby enjoy her life. He further advises ‘Izzat al-Saltanah about learning French and describes the books he is sending her.
Maryam Farmanfarma’iyan (Firuz)
Maryam in a hospital, Switzerland
Ruqiyah Khvajah-nuri (Sharafat al-Dawlah) and others
Inscription on verso: "along with Queen Soraya in Switzerland, 1952"
Zahra Sultan ‘Izzat al-Saltanah to Muhammad ‘Ali Nizam Mafi (Salar Mu‘azzam)
Zahra Sultan ‘Izzat al-Saltanah writes to her brother, Muhammad ‘Ali Nizam Mafi (Salar Mu‘azzam), telling him that they received the postcard he had sent for Mirza Mahmud Khan, that Khanum [their mother, Khadijah Sultan] is heavy-hearted and ‘Izzat al-Saltanah reads books for her at night, that Taqi Khan has left for Switzerland along with Saham Nizam, that Mahmud Khan and Jalal Nizam saw him off, but when they returned, Mahmud Khan cried for Taqi Khan and would not be calmed until they had given him the dominos that Salar Mu‘azzam had left them, and that once in a while, Ma‘sumah Khanum...
Zahra Sultan ‘Izzat al-Saltanah to Ma‘sumah Nizam Mafi
Zahra Sultan Nizam Mafi (‘Izzat al-Saltanah) writes to her sister, Ma‘sumah Nizam Mafi, regarding the death of her husband, Ibrahim Qaraguzlu; she sends her condolences and describes the arrangement of the memorial services in Tehran. Zahra Sultan also informs Ma‘sumah Khanum that she is sending her three thousand francs through Bahman's account in a Swiss bank. A copy of her letter to the Swiss Bank is also included on the opposite page.
Riza Quli Khan Nizam al-Saltanah to Zahra Sultan ‘Izzat al-Saltanah
Riza Quli Khan Nizam al-Saltanah writes to his daughter, Zahra Sultan ‘Izzat al-Saltanah, telling her about his having been ill for the past six months, his current recuperation and regained ability to walk, and that his doctor has told him that he can soon return to Iran. Riza Quli Khan says that he is glad that ‘Izzat al-Saltanah will be joining her husband, ‘Abbas Mirza, in Tabriz and gives her some advice on her relationship with her husband, asks about Huma's well-being, advises her to respect ‘Izzat al-Dawlah [her mother-in-law], reports Shahzadah Muhammad Husayn Mirza's visit to...
Muhammad Taqi Nizam Mafi to Zahra Sultan ‘Izzat al-Saltanah, 1910 or 1911
Muhammad Taqi Nizam Mafi writes to his sister, Zahra Sultan ‘Izzat al-Saltanah. He comments on the murder of Sayyid ‘Abd Allah, talks about the weather in Finland, the son of Farmanfarma, and how his skill in speaking Persian has declined since he has moved from Switzerland.
Muhammad ‘Ali Nizam Mafi (Salar Mu‘azzam) to Khadijah Sultan
Muhammad ‘Ali Nizam Mafi (Salar Mu‘azzam) writes to his mother, Khadijah Sultan, telling her about his work, the letters he is getting from his brother, and the photographs he has attached, among other news.
Letter from Muhammad ‘Amiri to his wife, Azarmidukht, 1961
Includes greetings and talks about his medical examinations in Paris, his diet, buying the items Azar requested in London, getting a doll for Gulnaz, his return to Iran with Fatimah, and stopping in Italy and Austria or Switzerland
- D Reset
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- clothing(5)
- property and property management(4)
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- films(4)
- weddings(3)
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- Kanun-i banuvan(1)
- International Alliance of Women and Peace(1)
- English language(1)
- Baha’is(1)
- Babis(1)
- Zahra Sultan ʻIzzat al-Saltanah(7)
- Muhammad ‘Ali Nizam Mafi (Salar Mu‘azzam)(5)
- Muhammad ‘Amiri (son of Qamar al-Muluk ‘Amiri and Ghulam Husayn ‘Amiri)(4)
- Ma‘sumah Nizam Mafi(4)
- Gulnaz ‘Amiri(4)
- Fatimah ‘Amiri (daughter of Azarmidukht Pizishk-niya and Muhammad ‘Amiri)(4)
- Azarmidukht Pizishk-niya(4)
- Uranus Kalantari(3)
- Nur al-Zia’ (Nur al-Saltanah)(3)
- Muʻin al-Din Mirza Muzaffari(3)
- Mahin al-Saltanah(3)
- Mahdi Quli Mirza(3)
- Kuchulu Khanum(3)
- Khadijah Sultan (wife of Riza Quli Khan Nizam Mafi)(3)
- Husayn Quli Mirza Nusrat al-Saltanah(3)
- Habib Allah Khan(3)
- Ghulamhusayn ‘Amiri (son of Azarmidukht Pizishk-niya and Muhammad ‘Amiri)(3)
- Faridah ‘Amiri(3)
- Bisharat Khan(3)
- A‘zam al-Saltanah(3)
- more
- Zahra Sultan ʻIzzat al-Saltanah(7)
- Muhammad ‘Ali Nizam Mafi (Salar Mu‘azzam)(5)
- Muhammad ‘Amiri (son of Qamar al-Muluk ‘Amiri and Ghulam Husayn ‘Amiri)(4)
- Ma‘sumah Nizam Mafi(4)
- Gulnaz ‘Amiri(4)
- Fatimah ‘Amiri (daughter of Azarmidukht Pizishk-niya and Muhammad ‘Amiri)(4)
- Azarmidukht Pizishk-niya(4)
- Uranus Kalantari(3)
- Nur al-Zia’ (Nur al-Saltanah)(3)
- Muʻin al-Din Mirza Muzaffari(3)
- Mahin al-Saltanah(3)
- Mahdi Quli Mirza(3)
- Kuchulu Khanum(3)
- Khadijah Sultan (wife of Riza Quli Khan Nizam Mafi)(3)
- Husayn Quli Mirza Nusrat al-Saltanah(3)
- Habib Allah Khan(3)
- Ghulamhusayn ‘Amiri (son of Azarmidukht Pizishk-niya and Muhammad ‘Amiri)(3)
- Faridah ‘Amiri(3)
- Bisharat Khan(3)
- A‘zam al-Saltanah(3)
- Akhtar Khanum(3)
- ‘Izzat Allah Salar Kalantari(2)
- ‘Ali Kalantari (Salar Muzaffar)(2)
- ‘Abd al-Husayn Mirza Farmanfarma(2)
- ʻAndalib al-Sadat(2)
- ʻAliyah Khanum (Nusrat Muzaffari Collection)(2)
- Yahya Dawlatabadi(2)
- Qamar al-Saltanah(2)
- Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi(2)
- Muhammad Taqi Nizam Mafi (2)
- Muhammad Husayn Mirza Firuz(2)
- Marziyah Khanum (Nosrat Mozaffari Sabeti)(2)
- Mahmud Nizam Mafi(2)
- Karamat al-Saltanah(2)
- Haj Mirza Hadi Dawlatabadi(2)
- Ashraf al-Dawlah(2)
- Amir Banu(2)
- Abu al-Fazl Mirza ‘Azud al-Sultan(2)
- ‘Aliyah Subh-i Azal (Rouhi Collection)(1)
- ‘Abbas Mirza Farmanfarma’ian Salar Lashkar(1)
- ʻIffat al-Muluk Khvajah-nuri(1)
- ʻAbd al-Husayn Sanʻatizadah(1)
- Zukaʼ al-Dawlah(1)
- Zinat al-Saltanah(1)
- Taj al-Hajiyah(1)
- Tahirah Qurrat al-ʻAyn(1)
- Soraya Isfandiyari Bakhtiyari(1)
- Simin Dukht Pizishk-niya(1)
- Shaykh Ahmad Ruhi (Kirmani)(1)
- Shaykh Ahmad Ahsa’i(1)
- Sayyid ʻAbd Allah Mujtahid Bihbahani(1)
- Sayyid Kazim Rashti(1)
- Sayyid Javad Zahir al-Islam Imam Jum‘ah(1)
- Sayyid Husayn Sarlati (ʻImad al-Shariʻah) (1)
- Sardar Nusrat(1)
- Sadiqah Dawlatabadi(1)
- Ruqiyah Sultan Khanum(1)
- Ruqiyah (Sharafat al-Dawlah) Khvajah-nuri(1)
- Riza Shah Pahlavi(1)
- Riza Quli Khan Nizam Mafi (Nizam al-Saltanah)(1)
- Nur al-Hadi Manganah(1)
- Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar(1)
- Nasir Dawlatabadi(1)
- Murvarid Khanum(1)
- Mumtaz al-Saltanah(1)
- Mulla Husayn Bushru’iyah(1)
- Muhammad Ziyaʼ Allah(1)
- Muhammad Sadiq Ibrahimi(1)
- Muhammad Hasan Mirza, Crown Prince(1)
- Mufakhkham al-Dawlah (Nosrat-Mozaffari Collection)(1)
- Mrs. Zukaʾ al-Dawlah(1)
- Mirza Yahya Subh-i Azal(1)
- Mirza Taqi Khan Farahani (Amir Kabir)(1)
- Mirza Sulayman Khan (Qamar Taj Dawlatabadi Collection)(1)
- Mirza Hasan Khan (Khabir al-Mulk)(1)
- Mirza Aqa Khan Kirmani(1)
- Maymanat al-Muluk(1)
- Maryam Farmanfarma’iyan (Firuz)(1)
- Maryam (Shukhan) Kalantari(1)
- Mahin Dukht Pizishk-niya(1)
- Mahin Banu (daughter of Sabih al-Dawlah and Malik Mansur Mirza)(1)
- Mahdukht San‘ati(1)
- Liqa’ al-Saltanah(1)
- Khanum Zukaʾ al-Dawlah Ghaffari(1)
- Khadijah Sultan Khanum (Hazrat Qudsiyah)(1)
- Ijlal Nizam(1)
- Husayn‘ali Nuri (Baha’ Allah)(1)
- Humayun Sanʻatizadah(1)
- Huma Farmanfarma'iyan(1)
- Hisam al-Din Dawlatabadi(1)
- Hashim Mirza(1)
- Haj ʻAli Akbar Sanʻati(1)
- Gawhar Khanum(1)
- Furugh al-Zaman Dawlatabadi (Shahab)(1)
- Furugh al-Dawlah (Malakah Iran)(1)
- Fazl Allah Khan(1)
- Faridun Sanʻatizadah(1)
- Fakhr Taj Dawlatabadi(1)
- Doctor Roland(1)
- Bizhan Dawlatabadi(1)
- Bahr al-‘Ulum(1)
- Bahman Mirza Farmanfarma'iyan(1)
- Bab, ʻAli Muhammad Shirazi(1)
- Asiyah Khanum (daughter of Malakah Jahan and Muhammad ‘Ali Shah)(1)
- Ashraf al-Saltanah (Najm al-Saltanah Collection)(1)
- Aqdas al-Saltanah(1)
- Aqdas al-Dawlah (daughter of Muzaffar al-Din Shah)(1)
- Aminah Daftar al-Muluk(1)
- Akbar Mirza Sarim al-Dawlah(1)
- Ahmad Shah Qajar(1)
- DSwitzerland