Letter of ultimatum
The writer explains how at first s/he had requested Nasir al-Mulk's help in solving this problem. After not getting an answer, in the absence of Ziya’ al-Mulk, the writer is giving an ultimatum to the recipient warning that s/he will go to the Premier's house, talk to Mahd ‘Ulya, hold a sit-in, or stop the Premier's carriage in order to get an answer. If none of these worked, s/he will personally go to the Shah's garden and bring her/his appeal to the Shah or the crown prince.
Letter from Iftikhar al-Saltanah
Letter from Iftikhar al-Saltanah concerning Intizam al-Dawlah's behavior.
Maʻsumah Khanum's call for justice
Maʻsumah Khanum, mother of Hamzah Khan and Mustafa Khan, writes to call for justice, reporting the ill-treatment of the landlord who confiscated their house and whose companion sexually assaulted her children. She also threatens to sit in Shujaʻ al-Dawlah's stable in protest.
Fragment of a report related to Mirza Hashim Khan's sit-in at the British Embassy
A two-page fragment of a report, related to Mirza Hashim Khan's sit-in at the British Embassy, protesting the detention of his wife, Parvin Khanum, in her brother's house.
Letter concerning a theft from Mirza Ahmad Mustawfi's house
Letter concerning a theft from Mirza Ahmad Mustawfi's house, finding of the stolen goods with wife of Muhammad Karim and her arrest, hence Muhammad Karim's sit-in at the mosque. The expression of satisfaction upon the arrest of the suspects on the top right margin of the letter might be from Muhammad Shah.
Letter regarding the petition of Nasir al-Din Shah's wives and daughters
The writer is sending an envelope containing the petition of wives and daughters of the late Nasir al-Din Shah and explains the hardships they are going through and that if the current condition continues they will have to take their appeals to one of the foreign embassies. The author asks the king [Muzaffar al-Din Shah?] for immediate action and a response. The second document is a draft of the same letter in which some parts of it has been rewritten several times.
Letter regarding a woman taking refuge
Regarding a woman who has run away and taken refuge at the house of the addressee in Isfahan; the writer asks for her return to the uncle. Referring to his previous letter, he expresses gratitude that the addressee has taken care of her and that she had been wise enough to go to him; it is as if she had taken refuge in her own house. The writer emphasizes that the matter should be dealt with according to the edicts of the shari‘a and sunna, especially on such a sensitive issue. If the man's family have a rightful claim, they should bring it forth; only if a settlement cannot be agreed upon,...
Letters from Amin Aqdas
Three letters from Amin Aqdas [wife of Nasir al-Din Shah]: a letter addressed to ‘Aziz al-Mulk asking him to get Nasir al-Din Shah's signature for the decree for Mirza Hasan Khan the Colonel. The envelop is addressed to ‘Azud al-Mulk and has Amin Aqdas's seal; a letter to ‘Azud al-Mulk asking him to seal a decree for one of her relatives, which is accompanied by an envelope that bears Amin Aqdas's seal; a letter to ‘Azud al-Mulk, the chief justice, in which she asks for assistance in the case of Muzaffar al-Mulk and his sons, especially Mirza Muhammad Khan, who was an overseer for Zill...
Letter to Riza Quli Khan Salar Mu‘azzam
A letter written by one of Riza Quli Khan Salar Mu‘azzam's children, in which the writer explains the reason for the delay in writing and informs Riza Quli Khan of the wellbeing of his sisters and Mirza Mahmud Khan [his brother]. He also reports on the incidents in Tehran: the businessmen of the bazaar next to the embassy's sit-in protesting to the rejection of the assembly's bylaws, the arrival of ‘Ayn al-Dawlah, and the confirmation of the bylaws and the return of the people.
Statement, 1911
- D Reset
- Dsit-in
- ‘Abd al-Husayn Mirza Farmanfarma(5)
- Muzaffar al-Din Shah Qajar(5)
- Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar(4)
- Sultan Husayn Mirza Nayyir al-Dawlah(3)
- ‘Ali Asghar Khan Atabak (Amin al-Sultan)(2)
- ʻAbbas Mirza Qajar Iftikhar Nizam(2)
- Zubaydah Khanum Amin Aqdas(2)
- Zinat al-Saltanah(2)
- Victoria (daughter of Madam Susan and Amir Ismʻail Mirza)(2)
- Taj al-Muluk Tajbakhsh Zamandar(2)
- Taj al-Muluk Ayramlu(2)
- Shirin Malik Mansuri(2)
- Sarv Jahan Khanum (wife of Hashim Khan Davallu Qajar)(2)
- Sabih al-Dawlah (wife of Malik Mansur)(2)
- Riza Shah Pahlavi(2)
- Riza Quli Khan Nizam Mafi (Nizam al-Saltanah)(2)
- Riza Quli Khan Davallu Qajar Tajbakhsh(2)
- Nuzhat al-Saltanah (wife of Muzaffar al-Din Shah)(2)
- Nayyir al-Saltanah (wife of Malik Mansur Mirza)(2)
- Munavvar Khanum (Shahzadah Agha)(2)
- more
- ‘Abd al-Husayn Mirza Farmanfarma(5)
- Muzaffar al-Din Shah Qajar(5)
- Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar(4)
- Sultan Husayn Mirza Nayyir al-Dawlah(3)
- ‘Ali Asghar Khan Atabak (Amin al-Sultan)(2)
- ʻAbbas Mirza Qajar Iftikhar Nizam(2)
- Zubaydah Khanum Amin Aqdas(2)
- Zinat al-Saltanah(2)
- Victoria (daughter of Madam Susan and Amir Ismʻail Mirza)(2)
- Taj al-Muluk Tajbakhsh Zamandar(2)
- Taj al-Muluk Ayramlu(2)
- Shirin Malik Mansuri(2)
- Sarv Jahan Khanum (wife of Hashim Khan Davallu Qajar)(2)
- Sabih al-Dawlah (wife of Malik Mansur)(2)
- Riza Shah Pahlavi(2)
- Riza Quli Khan Nizam Mafi (Nizam al-Saltanah)(2)
- Riza Quli Khan Davallu Qajar Tajbakhsh(2)
- Nuzhat al-Saltanah (wife of Muzaffar al-Din Shah)(2)
- Nayyir al-Saltanah (wife of Malik Mansur Mirza)(2)
- Munavvar Khanum (Shahzadah Agha)(2)
- Muhammad Hasan Mirza, Crown Prince(2)
- Maymanat al-Muluk (daughter of Afsar al-Muluk and Riza Quli Khan Davllu Qajar)(2)
- Manuchihr Iskandari Qajar(2)
- Malik Mansur Mirza Shu‘a‘ al-Saltanah(2)
- Malik Jahan Khanum Mahd-i ‘Ulya(2)
- Malik Iraj Mirza (son of Farah al-Saltanah and Malik Mansur)(2)
- Mahin Banu (daughter of Sabih al-Dawlah and Malik Mansur Mirza)(2)
- Madam Susan(2)
- Khadijah Sultan Khanum (Hazrat Qudsiyah)(2)
- Kaykavus Mirza (son of Nayyir al-Saltanah and Malik Mansur Mirza)(2)
- Jamshid Davallu(2)
- Ismaʻil Mirza Muʻtamad al-Dawlah Masʻud(2)
- Irandukht Qajar (daughter of Ahmad Shah Qajar)(2)
- Ihtiram al-Dawlah (wife of Malik Mansur Mirza)(2)
- Ibrahim Khan (son of Afsar al-Muluk and Riza Quli Khan Davallu Qajar)(2)
- Huma Khanum (Khanum Iftikhar)(2)
- Hidayat Allah Zamandar(2)
- Hashim Khan Davallu Qajar(2)
- Hashim Khan (son of Afsar al-Muluk and Riza Quli Khan Davallu Qajar)(2)
- Giti Afruz Khanum(2)
- Fatimah Khanum ʻIzzat al-Dawlah (daughter of Muzaffar al-Din Shah)(2)
- Fath Allah Mirza Malik Mansur(2)
- Farah al-Saltanah (Hamdam al-Muluk)(2)
- Dust ‘Ali Khan Nizam al-Dawlah Mu‘ayyir al-Mamalik(2)
- Azarmidukht(2)
- Asif al-Saltanah(2)
- Aqdas al-Dawlah (daughter of Muzaffar al-Din Shah)(2)
- Amir Ismaʻil Mirza(2)
- Amir Hasan Khan Shujaʻ al-Saltanah(2)
- Akbar Mirza Rukni(2)
- Akbar Mirza (son of Nayyir al-Saltanah and Malik Mansur Mirza)(2)
- Ahmad Shah Qajar(2)
- Abu al-Hasan Mirza (son of Farah al-Saltanah and Malik Mansur Mirza)(2)
- Abu al-Fath Mirza Salar al-Dawlah(2)
- ‘Aliriza Khan ‘Azud al-Mulk (Nayib al-Saltanah)(1)
- ‘Ali Quli Mirza I‘tizad al-Saltanah(1)
- ‘Abd al-Majid Mirza ‘Ayn al-Dawlah(1)
- ‘Abd Allah Qaraguzlu (Amir Nizam)(1)
- ʻAbd al-Hamid Mirza ʻAyn al-Dawlah(1)
- Yusuf Khan Bayan al-Mamalik(1)
- Vazir Humayun(1)
- Vazir Afkham(1)
- Tumanianas(1)
- Sultan Khanum (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Shukuh al-Saltanah [I](1)
- Shaykh Khaz‘al(1)
- Shaykh Fazl Allah Nuri(1)
- Shams Banu Khanum(1)
- Sardar Akram(1)
- Salar Nizam(1)
- Sakinah Khanum (Bayani Collection)(1)
- Saham al-Dawlah(1)
- Rukn al-Dawlah(1)
- Rukhsarah Khanum(1)
- Parvin Khanum(1)
- Nasr al-Dawlah(1)
- Nasir al-Saltanah(1)
- Muʻin al-Tujjar(1)
- Mukhbir al-Saltanah(1)
- Mujir al-Saltanah(1)
- Muhammad ʻAli Shah(1)
- Muhammad Vali Khan Tunikabuni(1)
- Muhammad Quli Khan(1)
- Muhammad Nasir Khan(1)
- Muhammad Husayn Mirza(1)
- Mufakhir al-Dawlah(1)
- Mubassir al-Saltanah(1)
- Mirza ‘Alinaqi Khan Hakim al-Mamalik(1)
- Mirza ‘Ali Khan Amin al-Dawlah(1)
- Mirza Yahya Khan Mu‘tamad al-Mulk (Mushir al-Dawlah)(1)
- Mirza Sayyid Abu al-Qasim Mustawfi(1)
- Mirza Kazim Khan Nuri (Nizam al-Mulk)(1)
- Mirza Husayn Khan Shawkat(1)
- Mirza Hashim(1)
- Mas‘ud Mirza Zill al-Sultan(1)
- Manizhah Khanum (wife of Abu al-Hasan Mirza)(1)
- Malik Zadah Khanum ‘Izzat al-Dawlah(1)
- Khujastah Khanum Jahanbani (Taj al-Dawlah)(1)
- Khanum Kuchik(1)
- Kamran Mirza (Nayib al-Saltanah)(1)
- Jalal al-Dawlah(1)
- Iran al-Muluk Iftikhar al-Saltanah(1)
- Intizam al-Saltanah(1)
- Ijlal Nizam(1)
- Ihtisham al-Mulk(1)
- Ibrahim Nuri Intizam al-Dawlah(1)
- Husaynquli Khan Nizam al-Dawlah(1)
- Husayn Quli Khan Nizam al-Saltanah(1)
- Ghulamriza Khan Inanlu (Asif al-Dawlah)(1)
- Ghulam ʻAli Khan ʻAziz al-Sultan (Malijak II)(1)
- Firuz Mirza Nusrat al-Dawlah Farmanfarma [II](1)
- Fatimah Sultan Anis al-Dawlah(1)
- Fatimah Khanum ‘Ismat al-Dawlah(1)
- Bihjat al-Mulk(1)
- Banan al-Saltanah(1)
- Badiʻ al-Mulk Mirza ʻImad al-Dawlah(1)
- Arbab Jamshid Zartushti(1)
- Anushiravan Khan ‘Ayn al-Mulk (I‘tizad al-Dawlah)(1)
- Anis Huzur(1)
- Amin al-Saltanah(1)
- Amin al-Haram(1)
- Afsar al-Muluk (daughter of Huma Khanum and ‘Abbas Mirza Iftikhar Nizam)(1)
- Abu al-Qasim Nasir al-Mulk (Nayib al-Saltanah)(1)
- Tehran(10)
- Mashhad(4)
- Karbala’(4)
- ʻArabistan (Khuzistan)(3)
- Sabzivar(3)
- Khurasan(3)
- Isfahan(3)
- Belgium(3)
- Azarbayjan(3)
- Zanjan (Khamsah)(2)
- Tabriz(2)
- Shiraz(2)
- Russia(2)
- Quchan (Khurasan)(2)
- Nayshabur(2)
- Maraghah(2)
- Kurdistan(2)
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- Tehran(10)
- Mashhad(4)
- Karbala’(4)
- ʻArabistan (Khuzistan)(3)
- Sabzivar(3)
- Khurasan(3)
- Isfahan(3)
- Belgium(3)
- Azarbayjan(3)
- Zanjan (Khamsah)(2)
- Tabriz(2)
- Shiraz(2)
- Russia(2)
- Quchan (Khurasan)(2)
- Nayshabur(2)
- Maraghah(2)
- Kurdistan(2)
- Kirmanshah(2)
- Kirman(2)
- Istanbul(2)
- Ghent(2)
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- Birjand(2)
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- Savujbulagh (Savujbulagh-i Mukri or Mahabad, West Azarbayjan Province)(1)
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